
HVPE of binary and ternary III-Nitride  nanostructures and nanowires

Yamina Andre

Institut Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France


Advances of quantum dots for lasers and single photon sources

Yasuhiko Arakawa

University of Tokyo, Japan


Hybrid quantum dot in a nanowire systems

George Cirlin

AU RAS, ITMO University, Russia


Changing the properties of GaAs via strain engineering in core/shell nanowires

Emmanouil Dimakis

Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Drezden, Germany


“Stopping” effect and its role in oscillations of truncation in III-V nanowires

Vladimir Dubrovskii

ITMO University, Russia


New Opportunities at the European XFEL

Robert Feidenhans’l

EXFEL, Hamburg, Germany


Novel compound semiconductor nanostructures for photonics

Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, 

EPFL Lausanne


Nano and Microstructures for the Manipulation of THz Radiation

Andrew Gallant

Durham University, UK


Using Bi for the formation of group-III arsenide nanostructures

Lutz Geelhaar

PDI Berlin, Germany


The formation of truncated interfaces in nanowire growth

Frank Glas,

 C2N, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, France


Self-catalyzed molecular beam epitaxy of GaAs nanowires for photonic applications

Teemu Hakkarainen, 

Tampere University of Technology, Finland


Growth of III-V nanowires observed in situ by TEM

Jean-Christophe Harmand

C2N, CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, France


Composition control in ternary nanomaterials

Jonas Johansson, 

Lund University, Sweden


Guided Nanowire Optoelectronics

Ernesto Joselevich, 

Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel


Small angle X-ray scattering of a stretchable photonic crystal

Alexander Korsunsky

Oxford University, UK


III-V Materials Development for Nanowire Photodetectors and Photovoltaics

Ray LaPierre, 

McMaster University, Canada


Optical and phononic properties of nanowires on demand

Marta De Luca, 

 University of Basel, Switzerland


Group IV Nanowire Structure, Luminescence and Carrier Dynamics

Paul McIntyre, 

Stanford University, USA


Intervalley mixing due to interfaces in semiconductor nanostructures

Michail Nestoklon, 

Ioffe Institute, Russia


Quantum chemical modelling of epitaxial transformation of silicon to silicon carbide

Andrey Osipov

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering RAS, Russia


The MBE growth of oxides, such as Ga2O3 in the form of planar layers

Henning Riechert

PDI Berlin, Germany


Low Temperature Plasma Deposition Processes: From Amorphous Silicon to Epitaxial Growth and Nanowires

Pere Roca

Ecole Polytechnique, France


Dislocations in photonic heterostructures

Aleksei Romanov

ITMO University, Russia


Nitride nanowires on graphene for flexible optoelectronics

Maria Tchernycheva

University Paris Sud, France


 Self-assembly of ordered graphene quantum dot arrays

Jerry Tersoff

IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, USA


Resonant Effects in Delayed Feedback Lasers

Evgeny Viktorov

ITMO University, Russia


Evolvoble Nanomaterial Device Concept.

Dagou Zeze

Durham University, UK


Self-assembled formation of GaN nanowires on amorphous substrates

Zbigniew Zytkiewicz

Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland